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All of our members have full access to the racquetball courts. One of our courts even converts into both a wallyball and a squash court.

Each of our courts are available for reservations at the Activities Desk:
Courts may be reserved up to one hour per reservation
Members can only reserve 1 court per reservation
All reservations are made on the 1/2 hour. Reservations may be made up until 30 minutes prior to the desired time that member wants to play. For example, if the member calls/comes in at 6:45 p.m. to play, then the earliest they could make their reservation would be 7:30 p.m.
Court must be occupied within 15 minutes of reservation time or it will be cancelled
Contact the Activities Desk @ 801-553-0123
Forgot your racket, ball, or goggles? No problem. Just ask the front desk. You can borrow ours!
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